parenting help image

You may have more questions than answers about becoming a parent. Perhaps you’re excited, or maybe the thought of becoming a parent seems impossible to you at this time. We’ve talked to hundreds of clients who are concerned about things like this:

  • My significant other doesn’t want the baby but I do
  • I can’t tell my family
  • How will I finish school?
  • How will I continue working?
  • Where will I live?
  • I don’t have medical insurance
  • I can’t afford a child
  • I’m too young

These are valid concerns. We would be glad to talk to you about all these issues so you can decide if parenting is right for you. Parenting is a life-long commitment with great challenges and equally great rewards.


There are many resources designed specifically to help you in your situation. Our peer counselors will be there for you, connecting you with helpful resources and walking with you in this journey.

We offer free individualized pregnancy and parenting classes. These classes are designed to answer many pregnancy-related questions as well as provide valuable information on parenting and how to prepare for your child. In addition to our classes, we offer assistance with baby supplies.

Earn While You Learn

Become the best parent you can be while earning what your baby needs!

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