abortion education imageAre you considering abortion?  Are you being pressured by someone to have an abortion?  How would your decision be affected if you knew someone would help you?

Ultimately, you have the responsibility and the legal right to make the decision about your pregnancy. Our sensitive and caring volunteers are ready to listen.  We want you to have all the information you need in order to make an informed decision.

Abortion Education

The type of abortion procedure used in elective pregnancy termination is primarily determined by how far a woman is into pregnancy (how many weeks pregnant she is). During the first trimester, you will usually have the option of having a medical abortion procedure or a surgical abortion procedure. Before considering the options, it is recommended that you obtain an ultrasound to determine if the pregnancy is viable (uterine, non-ectopic pregnancy) and for accurate pregnancy dating.

Please call 570-886-2090 or click the tab below to request an ultrasound appointment.


Request an Appointment



EMPCC does not refer for or perform abortions.